Labels: 欢乐时光
一个关于明仔生活点滴的部落格,我的友情,爱情,亲情,全都散播在这个小空间里,想要更加认识明仔,就从这部落格开始。 ~ Anson Liang ~
Labels: 感性篇
Labels: 生活点滴
*这一天,我们想了很久不晓得该去那里庆祝,所以选择了去A&W,那天我和Kent都负责去买蛋糕,她的生日是我们第一个庆祝的,那天姐姐好忙,好多人约,还听说赶了很多场呢?是不是啊?姐姐。她比我们小一年,大家一定很奇怪,为什么会叫她姐姐呢?咔咔,因为她真太像姐姐了,哈哈!我们geng当中就只有她是matric生,很奇怪吗?因为姐姐当然是跟哥哥们比较好谈嘛!那天蛋糕好大粒哦,我们都吃不完,还记得我们打扰了一对情侣,叫那男的帮我们拍照,哈哈,过后就送他们一块大大块的SECRET RECIPE...拍完照,姐姐就赶去下一场了,想问下姐姐,你好红哦,那天你去了几场的生日会呢?咔咔,多过两场吧?有你这种命就好。咔咔
[Dear Anson Happy Birthday]
[My Coursemates,Thank ur all,Love ur all deep deep]
[With all the Leng Lui in Our Faculty]
[Casio watch]
*那天六点多去了mid valley, 去了香港餐厅吃晚餐,生日嘛,所以我朋友请我吃咯。咔咔。那天系友说延迟帮我庆祝生日,因为大家有事做,延迟到星期一才庆祝,所以我误信以为是真的。回到去Kent与elvis说看我可怜,今天没人帮我庆祝,就带我出去喝茶,说去吃Nasi Lemak,我就当真,随便穿件衣服出去就行了,反正只是去喝茶,到达时并不是去吃什么Nasi Lemak,结果我也没什么,来到了Millennium Square就点些东西吃吧,那时也只有我们三个人。她打电话来,跟我说生日快乐,过后她说她要睡了,我就说噢,我在喝茶。电话一盖,五分钟后,突然有人站在我后面,拍了我肩膀,吓了我一跳,怎么你们会来?不是说没空吗?星期一才庆祝的?这时,我才知道原来我被耍了,就连她,Elvis与kent串通好来捉弄我,无乱如何,你们给了我一个惊喜,我真的误信了你们,哈哈!以后就的学聪明点?哈哈, 谢谢你们!!! Friendship 4ever...Love ur all
一月二十一号(炜权/kent) 二哥
Date : 21 JAN '08 Loc :Taman Jaya Park. Time :9.00pm Attendance:shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, ying yik, princess, lo yinn, kent(Birthday), chor soon, elvis, chee seng, raymond, chee yen, bei lin and wan rou
[The place we celebrated Kent's Birthday]
[Romantic, the idea come from some1]
[The only 5 guys in our geng -Friendship 4ever-]
[Kent look so happy, Yum........Sei]
[Let's take a pic b4 leave Taman Jaya Park]
这一天是我期待的一天,因为终于轮到我玩弄二哥kent zai (我都叫他狗仔)为什么?只有两个人知道,你去问他啦。咔咔!这天Raymond驾车负责载二哥,而我就负责蒙着他的眼睛,他看起来似乎好怕,怕什么啦,卖掉也没人要,咔咔,二哥对不起,故意酸你的。他被我弄得模模糊糊,也不晓得我们载他去哪卖了,哈哈。到达目的地,听到LRT声还有水声,把他吓坏了,不晓得我们要带他去那里,又被蒙着眼睛,结果我玩了他,说前面有河沟,叫他跳过去,结果他还是没跳,二哥还蛮聪明一下的。那天他被我们玩得好惨,我们准备了两份礼物,就说其中一个是chee seng的,只要选到的就是他的,结果选了选就选中了其中一份,打开一看,他推开了礼物,huh...可恶,嫌弃我们送的?当然是嫌弃啦,因为里面装的是Milo嘛,是我也推开啦,超好笑的。谁叫他其它不选偏偏选中Milo。当然,我们不会亏待二哥,接过第二份礼物,打开了他也吓到,Domanchi的红色那件衣,之前他说过喜欢的,所以就买下给他,他也好惊讶,有惊喜吗?二哥对我们这么好我们当然不会亏待你啦。对吗?二哥?哈哈,We love u deep deep...我和他还有elvis的口头禅。说完,结束了一月份的生日派队。
-End of Jan-
(Agnes, Chee Seng (absence), Siok Khun, Ling Siew
Date : 11th Feb '08 Loc :Agnes's Place, Surian Condo, Mutiara Damansara. Time :7pm Attendance:chia huey, shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, lyann, ying yik, princess, siok khoon, kent, chor soon, elvis, raymond, agnes, kian chun, ying ying and bei lin
[Happy Birthday]
[Happy Birthday to Agnes,Ling Siew and Siok Khun, and Chee Seng (absence)]
[Law Fac Leng Lui]
[Law Fac Leng Zai and Leng Lui]
-End of Feb-
Bei Lin's Birthday (13/3)
Date : MAC '08 Loc :Ming Tian, Taman Mega. Time :7.00pm Attendance: chwee yen, chiu jing, lo yinn, kent, chor soon, elvis, chee seng, raymond, bei lin (birthday), Phaik San and Alice
[Happy Birthday Bei Lin ]
[The Cake look delicious]
[Law Fac Ji Mui]
[Law Fac Eng Dao Kia]
[Yeah...Take pic again]
-End of March-
Chia Huey (1/4), Shi Bin (3/4), Chwee Yen (23/4)
Date : '08 April Fool. Loc :SS2 残酷一叮Time :9pmAttendance:chia huey, shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, lyann, ying yik, princess, siok khoon, chee yen, wan rou, loo yinn, issac, kent, chor soon, elvis, chee seng, bei lin, phaik san & raymond.[Chia Huey, Shi Bin, Chwee Yen Happy Birthday Love Love Love]
[Wedding? Cut the cake together]
[Act Cute...Wakaka!!!]
[Took photo together again, SS]
-End of April-
Lyann(3/6), Ying Yik(8/6), Lo Yinn and Elvis(14/6)
Date : 06 May '08 Loc :Agnes's Place, Surian Condo, Mutiara Damansara.Time :7pmAttendance:chia huey, shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, lyann, ying yik, princess, siok khoon, loo yinn, issac, kent, chor soon, elvis, chee seng, raymond, agnes, kian chun, ying ying.
[The only guy born on June in our Geng]
[Elvis always like to act cute nia]
[Happy Birthday to Lyann,YY,Ooi and Elvis]
[They look pretty? or ugly?]
*pretty+ugly=pretty ugly..keke!!!
[This pic lyann and siok khun look damn pretty rite?]
[Having gathering at Agnes's house]
-End of June-
康胜/Raymond (14/7)
Date : 14 July '08 Loc :Tappers, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya.Time :4.00pm Attendance:chia huey, shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, lyann, ying yik, princess, siok khoon, loo yinn, kent, chor soon, elvis, chee seng, raymond, agnes, ying ying.
[Hapi Bird'Day Raymond]
[Make a wish]
[Again...5 of us...Raymond(front),Anson, Elvis,Chee Seng and Kent (left-right)]
[Look at Raymond's face..keke]
[All get ready, and act a nice pose ya...1...2...3..Ki Cha!!!]
[Awards from Anson to Elvis]
[Elvis, Lyann and Raymond's birthday gift]
-End of July-
-End of August-
-End of Sept-
Kian Chun (16/10)
Date : 16 Oct '08. Loc :Uptown, Damansara .Time :9pm Attendance:chia huey, shi bin, chwee yen, chiu jing, lyann, princess, lo yinn, issac, kent, chor soon, elvis, chee seng, raymond,Kian Chun(Birthday), Agnes, Ying Ying ,Sze Han and Han Khoon.
[Sabahan (Kian Chun) and Anson...Y chee seng appear behind us?]
*Look at Agnes's actions. STOP!!!STOP TAKE PIC
[The last gathering + birthday celebration b4 Exam]
Labels: 生日派队